Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Amadeus Value Proposition

In this section we analyze the 'what' of a business model. By this, we focus on the center of the business model canvas, more precisely on the value proposition. For this, we choose the biggest customer segment of our company Amadeus: the travel agencies. This one is interesting not only because it's the biggest but also because it is the intermediate segment between travel providers and travel buyers, the other two customer segments of Amadeus.

First, we made an empathy map of Bob, CEO of a travel agency, to understand the customer profile before starting with the analysis of Amadeus' value proposition. To see the empathy map click here or watch the video to build it.

This first approach brings us to reconsider the Amadeus’ values propositions. By questioning ourselves on the profile of a customer segment, we could be able to build a better design for the value proposition. It becomes clearer that this company provides solutions before everything. That's the main VP. Then we found the network as a first need for all the travel's companies. Amadeus have it, knows how to use it and therefore have the key-pass for it. This two VP are related with B2B or B2b business that represent the biggest part of the company activities. The other part is the direct business between the costumer and the company. In this section the VP is a wide offer of travel around the world.

Strategy Canvas based on the Blue Ocean's Analysis

Sabre is the main competitor of Amadeus, in fact, Amadeus was intended to offer a European Alternative to Sabre. These are the reasons why we focused our strategy canvas on this competitor. Besides, the services and products offered by both giants are very often the same.

Surprisingly, despite being created after it, Amadeus overpassed Sabre on many aspects, except that Sabre keeps its leadership in NorthAmerica as a GDS and Solutions provider.

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