Monday, December 6, 2010

The laboratory

For analysis of the travel industry and our company's flagship, we used a series of analytical tools that we have, for the most part, addressed in the course. Among them there are, of course, the Business Model Canvas and its environment, the Strategy Canvas, the Empathy and Proposition Value Map, the graph of the Blue Ocean, the Blue Print, the Revenue Streams description accompanied by a Channel Phases. We also conducted interviews and making a video that tells the evolution of our industry with the advent of the Internet (Travel Industry in Plain English).

In general, these tools allow us to initially approach a problem in a visual order to focus on the basics through a process of group discussion and a mixture of several tests made with the same tools, such as different business models.

The feedstock for the production of such analysis gets through the sheet of paper, sticky notes, felt, white and blackboard, computer, camera, scissors, canvas and even storyboards. The technologies required are numerous, especially in programs like Word, VirtualDub, Gimp or even Blender. The Internet is, quite naturally the cornerstone for the achievement and sharing of data collected through our analysis. Among the sites used, are included, Youtube, Google, Bmdesigner, Gliffy, Amadeus, Blogspot and many others who helped us move forward in our research. The following pictures illustrate some of these tools: (Clockwise from the top: Blender stop motion editing, BM on whiteboard, Blueprint on Gliffy, Storyboard)

Finally, as the common theme in our work, we find, firstly, the analysis focused on the business of Amadeus through which we could observe the mechanism of the travel industry coupled with web technologies. Once our eyes on the industry became more critical, we could go back and observe the industry from above. Thus, in a second time, this general view, but therefore more informed than the original, led us very quickly to a blank area of our industry from large systems and small distribution systems available on the internet. So we took our hats entrepreneurs, and with the help of our minds enlightened by our research and theory discussed in the context of the course, we have outlined, in an experiment where terrible transmutation between business models have been committed after the closure of the library, the business model of a start-up that could bridge the gap in question. Subsequently, we consolidate the design of this business model by implementing some of the tools studied in the analysis of our industry. You will eventually find a post describing this entrepreneur’s idea.

Research on:



- View of the market share for the GDS

- Forecasted acquisitions for Amadeus that actually took place, for ex. and e-Travel Inc.

Future trends:

Amadeus Financial Results:
In 2010
- The annual report with consolidated financials statements. It's really good explaining the revenues of Amadeus (page 18):

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